If your credit has run out and your supply has switched off, you'll need to re-enable your supply once you have credit on the meter again. Before reconnecting your gas supply, please make sure all gas appliances, including your boiler, are switched off at the plug or electrical supply for safety.
To get your power back once you’ve topped up, put your payment key into the meter. Your power will come back on automatically. If it doesn’t, or there’s a message on your meter, please call us right away on 0330 175 9669.
To get your power back once you’ve topped up, put your payment card into the meter. The meter screen will prompt you to hold button A. The meter will then prompt you to release button A. This will turn the gas back on.
See the videos below for a step-by-step guide on re-enabling your supply depending on your meter type:
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If you want more information on your meter, we have a range of guides. Find out how to top-up, turn your meter back on afterwards, activate emergency credit and troubleshooting tips.
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