Being on Pay As You Go is a simple way to stay in control of your energy. You pay for your energy before you use it, by topping up your meter(s) with credit. Here’s how it works:
You buy credit for your meter(s) through our OVO Energy Top-up app, online here, or at a local PayPoint shop. Go to our Topping up section for more information.
This credit will automatically load onto your meter – usually within 40 minutes
As you use the gas and/or electricity in your home, the credit goes down
It can also help you pay off any debt gradually through your meter(s). Read about it here: How will I pay my debt back on a meter in Pay As You Go mode?
Smart meters are clever – they allow you to top up without even going to the shop. To do this, create an account on the OVO Energy Top-up app or online, and add your top-up card numbers. This will allow you to top up remotely – anytime, anywhere.
If you want more information on your meter, we have a range of guides. Find out how to top-up, turn your meter back on afterwards, activate emergency credit and troubleshooting tips.
Can’t find an answer? Try asking our helpful OVO community.