OVO account

What to do if the account holder passes away

If you need to let us know that one of our customers has passed away, we’re here to help you through the next steps.

Letting us know that someone has passed away

To let us know, you can:

  • Fill out the form at the bottom of this page

  • Call our dedicated team on 0330 175 9683 or email [email protected]

  • Use LifeLedger to notify us – LifeLedger is a free online tool that lets you get in touch with us and other companies, to tell us that someone has passed away. It means you can notify multiple companies from one place.

The details we’ll need when you get in touch

It would be really useful if you could also send us:

  • Your name and contact details (including your phone number and address)

  • Any details of the OVO account holder you might have – like their full name, postcode, or date of birth

  • The contact details for the executor or the person taking over the energy account (in case that won’t be you)

  • The meter readings from the home we supply, if you’re able to get them – here’s a helpful guide on how to read the meter and send the readings

What are the next steps

We’ll take you through all the options and make sure you’re happy with how the energy account will be managed from now on – and we’ll keep you updated with any changes. You can also let us know if you’d like to put the account in your name or close it.

Get independent advice

For free, independent advice on dealing with the energy account of someone who passed away, you might also want to contact these organisations:

How to let us know

We understand that this must be a difficult time, and we want you to know that we'll do everything we can to make handling their energy account as simple as possible.

We appreciate that calling us might not be something you want to do right now. So, if you'd prefer, you can use our online form to tell us what you would like us to do with their energy account instead.

For example, you can either transfer the energy account into your name, or let us know if there's no one living at the property and an executor is now managing the estate.

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If you have a gas leak, power cut, or Pay As You Go emergency, get emergency help.