If you have a smart meter
Your bill should show your actual energy use every month. If you do see estimates it may mean you chose to send us readings monthly and we’ve generated your bill before your smart meter has sent us a reading – this is nothing to worry about and your balance will update accurately with your next smart read.
If you can only see estimated readings on your bills and it doesn’t show any ‘smart actual’ readings it may mean your smart meter has stopped communicating with us. Please get in touch if you think this is the case, so we can investigate what’s causing it.
If you have a traditional meter
We use estimated readings so we can bill you for the energy up to the date of your statement. This is nothing to worry about and your balance will update accurately with your next meter reading.
To make sure you’ve actual readings on your monthly bills, the best time to send a reading is on the date we bill you each month.