If you have an outstanding balance from a previous Pay Monthly account or have received additional support credit from us, it’ll be repaid through topping up your meter.
You don’t have to pay it all in one go – you can spread the cost to make it more manageable. If you’re worried or need financial support, please get in touch and we’ll work out an affordable repayment plan.
The repayment plan will mean you’ll pay a set amount daily until your balance is cleared. This is always made to suit what is manageable for you.
Once we’ve added the debt to your meter, your daily charges will include:
Payment towards the energy you’re using
Your daily standing charge
The daily debt repayment amount
Even if you’re not using any energy, you’ll be paying a daily standing charge and a repayment amount. Topping up regularly helps to cover these repayments and your energy use.
A good way to stay in the know is through the OVO Energy Top-up app which you can get from the Apple App Store or Google Play. If you choose “low balance notifications” when you sign up, you’ll get notifications when your balance is running low.
If you’ve used your emergency credit to keep the power on, you'll need to pay it back in full from your next top-up.
If you can, make sure you buy enough credit to pay back the emergency credit, and still have some left for your energy use.
If you need to pay this back slowly over a period of time, please contact us – we’re here to help. We can talk through the financial support that’s available, and we might be able to offer additional support credit over the phone.
Once you've repaid the debt or credit, your meter will automatically stop taking repayments.
If you have a medical issue, young children living with you, or you need extra practical support managing your energy, Pay As You Go might not be right for you. If any of these apply, please get in touch as soon as possible to discuss other options.
Just click the green chat icon at the bottom right of your screen or call us on 0330 175 9669. We’re here Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm and 9am to 5pm on weekends.
Need more help with your meter? Check out our easy-to-follow guides on topping up, reconnecting your meter, activating emergency credit, and troubleshooting common issues.
Can’t find an answer? Try asking our helpful OVO community.