
Your tado° Wireless Smart Thermostat installation guide

21 June 2024 | Celia Topping

Now you’ve got yourself a tadoº Wireless Smart Thermostat, you’re only moments away from having everything set up. Soon you’ll be able to control your heating and hot water – wherever you are. 

It doesn’t always take an engineer to install a tadoº Smart Thermostat. We’ve put together this guide so you can do it yourself in 5 simple steps.

Things to know before installing your tadoº 

  • 95% of all tado° customers happily install their devices themselves.
  • tado° gives step-by-step installation instructions for more than 16,000 different heating systems.
  • If you run into problems, tado° has a highly trained Technical Support Team on hand to help.
  • You can install your tado° yourself. But if you’d prefer, you can book a professional installer in your area. The professional manuals are included inside the box and online.

Install your tadoº Smart Thermostat in 5 easy steps

Step 1: Start the online installation assistant 

Download the tadoº app on your smartphone or tablet, and create an account. Then, use the tado° app to scan the QR code in your Starter Kit.

Step 2: Enter your heating system info

You’ll need to tell tado° a bit about your heating system via the app. This will help the online installation assistant find the right instructions for connecting your tado°. 

Step 3: Turn off your heating system 

It’s really important to make sure it’s safe to install your tado°. Before you get started, go to your fuse box and turn your heating system’s power off. 

Step 4: Remove your existing thermostat

You’ll need to follow the specific instructions in the tado° app. With most heating systems, you can just remove your existing thermostat and programmer. In very rare cases, you might need to access your boiler’s wiring. But as long as you follow the step-by-step instructions, you’ll be able to install your tado° – no problem.

Step 5: Install your tado° Wireless Smart Thermostat

Follow the instructions in the app to install your tadoº Smart Thermostat. Once you’ve finished the installation, you can turn your heating system’s power back on. 

Please note that these steps are designed to give you a general idea of what an installation involves. To install and set up your devices correctly, please follow the instructions in the tado° app. For more information, check the frequently asked questions on the tado° website. 

Take control of your heating and start saving 

Save energy. Save money. Getting a tadoº is a win-win! Here are some of the ways the Smart Thermostat can make a difference in your home: 

  • Control your heating and hot water from anywhere, through the tadoº app.
  • Heat every room in your home to its ideal temperature.
  • Access data that can help you waste less energy, and make your home more energy-efficient.
  • Cut your heating bills by up to 28%2 and help reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Add value to your home by installing smart tech, like the tadoº Smart Thermostat.

And if you’re with OVO, you can save over 60% when you buy a tadoº through us. That means you pay an exclusive price of £72, or £6 a month for a year.3, 4 

If you want to make sure the tadoº is the right smart thermostat for you, check our handy smart thermostat guide

How OVO can help you cut your bills and our collective carbon footprint 

Smart tech is just one of the ways we can help you take steps on the Path to Zero. But there are loads more. 

From Charge Anytime and Power Move, to heat pumps and solar panels. Together, we can make energy work better for you, your wallet, and the planet. Get a quote today to join us.

Sources and references

  1. If this is the case, the app gives easy-to-follow instructions on how to do it according to your specific boiler, with specific safety guidance.
  2. An independent study has shown that installing and correctly using a tado° smart thermostat can reduce your energy use from heating by up to 28%. The study found that the tado° device could save you up to 23% by turning the temperature down when nobody is at home. You could also save another 6% by turning down the heating based on the weather forecast, depending on the window sizes. If the window surfaces are relatively large, the energy saving will increase. Actual energy savings depend on various factors e.g. your heating system, structural condition of your home and your heating behaviour. Financial savings depend on the price of your energy tariff. With its Energy IQ skill, tado° provides an estimate of the monthly heating cost and the energy savings delivered through tado°.
  3. Pricing: the price for the tado° will be £72. You can pay upfront and if you're eligible you'll have the option to pay monthly (the price will be spread across 12 months and added to your monthly bill.) See terms and conditions for more information on eligibility and pricing.
  4. Saving based on manufacturer's recommended retail price of £199.99.