Pay As You GoManaging debt

How can I check my debt balance or repayment rate on my meter?

Checking on your IHD

Help is at hand via your IHD: 

  1. Press the menu button and use the arrows to flip through the menus until you see 'debt' 

  2. Select OK on the relevant fuel to see info on your debt and repayment rate

Viewing on your meter



  1. Press button A to enter the main menu. 

  2. Press and hold button A to access the Credit screen.

  3.  Press button A to scroll through the menu until you reach the Debt Remaining screen. Continue to press button A until you reach the Standing Charge screen.


  1. Press button A to enter the main menu.

  2. Press and hold button A to access the Prepayment menu. 

  3. Press button A to scroll through the Prepayment menu until you reach the Debt Recovery Rate screen. 

  4. Continue to press button A until you reach the Debt Remaining screen.



  1. Press and hold the ( OK ) button to enter the main menu.

  2. Press and hold the ( OK ) button to access the Main Prepay screen.

  3. Press the ( OK ) button to scroll through the menu until you reach Prepay Debt and press and hold the ( OK ) button to enter.

  4. Press the ( OK ) button to scroll through the menu until you reach Debts Total.

  5. Press and hold the ( OK ) button to view the Total Debt.


  1. Press the ( OK ) button to enter the main menu.

  2. Press the ( OK ) button to access the prepayment menu.

  3. Press the ( A ) button to enter the Debts menu.

  4. Press the arrow button to access the Total debt screen.

  5. Press the ( OK ) button to enter this menu.

  6. Press the arrow button to access the Debt 1 debt screen.

  7. Press the ( OK ) button to enter this menu.



  1. Press button B until the Available credit screen is visible on the meter.

  2. Press Button A until time-based debt screen is displayed

  3. Use button A to scroll through the meter screens until Time based Debt 1 is displayed. This indicates the amount of debt on the meter.

  4. Press button A again to view recovery rate 1. This will display the amount that is being recovered for debt weekly.


  1. Press the right button on the meter to enter the main menu.

  2. Use the centre button to scroll to the Prepayment menu and press the right button to enter this menu.

  3. Use the middle button to scroll to the debt screen and then press the right button to enter this menu. The debt and recovery rate will then be displayed.



  1. When on the main screen of the meter, press the middle button to enter the menu screen.

  2. Use the top and bottom buttons to navigate the menu until you are on the ‘Prepayment’ menu. 

  3. Press the middle button to enter.

  4. In the next menu, navigate to Debt and press the middle button.

  5. Use the top and bottom buttons to navigate the menu until you are on the prepayment menu. 

  6. Press the middle button to enter to view the debt screens.


  1. Press the right arrow button until you find the ‘supplier information’ screen and press the middle button. This will take you to the prepayment menu.

  2. Press the right arrow button until you find the ‘Debt Information’ screen and press the middle button. There are four screens you can navigate through.

Our meter guides

If you want more information on your meter, we have a range of guides. Find out how to top-up, turn your meter back on afterwards, activate emergency credit and troubleshooting tips.

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