If you used to pay monthly for your energy, your online account is no longer relevant for you. The good news is, we have an app just for our smart Pay As You Go customers – the OVO Energy Top-up app. It’s free to register and makes managing your energy easy – just the way it should be.
Search for the OVO Energy Top-up app in the Apple App Store or Google Play. You’ll need to use the numbers on your top-up card(s).
Once you create a login, you can top up your electricity or gas in a few taps.
If you were previously a Pay Monthly customer, you should still have email copies of your statements from this period. If you can’t find them, let us know and we'll resend them.
If you want more information on your meter, we have a range of guides. Find out how to top-up, turn your meter back on afterwards, activate emergency credit and troubleshooting tips.
Can’t find an answer? Try asking our helpful OVO community.